I believe that it is time for a second Axial Age to rise up on the Earth. German Philosopher Karl Jaspers first used the term, "Axial Age" or Achsenzeit (Axis Time), to describe the period between 800 and 200 B.C.E. when spontaneously, there was a new consciousness about humanity and its self awareness. Professor Mark W. Muesse described one of the conditions that led to this change as a rise of "individuality" all over the world. People saw themselves as "individuals" and started to ask questions like: Where did they go after death? Why were they alive? Who were they really? Individual religious patterns emerged all over the world to answer those questions. It was the rise of the "I."
I believe that the work and philosophy of Ayn Rand is about as far as we can go. Politically and economically, the "I" is a burden on most societies around the world.
It is time for a new thought paradigm. We have already seen calls for "unity consciousness" and "collective identity." The shift is already entering our vision range and something new has to happen. Perhaps the "Occupy Movement" all over the world is the time to make the change. It is time spiritually for the rise of the co-templative. Our personal spirituality is no longer just based on the "I" of individual "salvation" or "enlightenment" or "consciousness." Now is the time for spiritual people to see that their collective spirituality is also important to the health and sustainability of the world. Community is as important as individuality. This knows no artifical barriers like nationality or religious label. If this paradigm rises up, then we are truely entering the second Axial Age.
Are you a co-templative? Join me at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Community-of-Co-templatives/232780583445355#!/pages/Community-of-Co-templatives/232780583445355.
Rev. Tim Miner OUnI
.....and the response from Rabbi Rami Shapiro:
You mean I'm not the only person thinking this is another Axial Age - I'm not the only one asking the question? Cool - well met.